Precision quality
is our promise

Would you like to provide plastic products or components of the highest quality in a stylish design, creative and unique, made locally using cutting-edge techniques and processes? You are in the right place. Allgaier Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH & Co.KG will provide advice, solutions and generally make all kinds of things possible when it comes to plastic products and the entire development process. Aside from producing creative and innovative solutions, our main aim is to expertly guide you through every step of the process, right from choosing the right plastic, to designing your item and dealing with the process engineering.




Would you like to provide plastic products or components of the highest quality in a stylish design, creative and unique, made locally using cutting-edge techniques and processes?

You are in the right place. Allgaier Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH & Co.KG will provide advice, solutions and generally make all kinds of things possible when it comes to plastic products and the entire development process. Aside from producing creative and innovative solutions, our main aim is to expertly guide you through every step of the process, right from choosing the right plastic, to designing your item and dealing with the process engineering.

We are the third generation in our family to run the business. As such, planning for the future is at the core of our business philosophy. This means using efficient processes, always adapting and evolving as a company, and building a strong team. We truly value long-term, collaborative partnerships with our customers and we are committed to constantly developing new, unique products so that our relationship helps to build your business. For us, quality means that our customers keep coming back but our products don’t!


Delivering creativity, innovation and quality

We are able to offer the full plastic-manufacturing service for a huge variety of industries. We make the necessary tools in house and keep optimising them until they are ready for batch production. This enables us to be efficient and minimise costs in production and to provide the highest possible quality for our customers.

We are experts in the specialist techniques used in injection moulding, in particular offering services in compact and sandwich injection moulding, multicomponent techniques, coining and MuCell®, thermoplastic foam injection and GID moulding. We are even able to make parts comprising several components. Whatever you need, we would be proud to mould your ideas.






Als Anfang 2020 die ersten Einschränkungen wegen eines bis dahin noch weithin unbekannten Virus bekannt gegeben wurden, hätte wohl niemand geahnt, dass Covid-19 uns noch Jahre danach beschäftigt. Die Pandemie hatte uns gezwungen unser 3. Charity Tournier 2 Jahre lang zu verschieben. Am 18.06.2022 durften wir die Metalltechnik Vils und die Allgaier Kunststoffverarbeitung unser gemeinsames Golf-Charity Turnier, mit der Absicht für wohltätige Einrichtungen zu spenden, wie gewohnt auf der Gsteig in Lechbruck durchführen.


Julian Hoffmann hat den Europameistertitel in der Tasche. Vom 09.06. bis zum 16.06.21 fanden in Tivat/Montenegro die "2021 EurILCA Under 21 European Championships & Open European Trophy" im Laser Radial (Frauen) und im Laser Standard (Herren) statt....